Our History

Our History

Rathmore & District Credit Union Limited

Rathmore & District Credit Union Limited was founded in 1968 in Shrone National School. Later in 1968 the office was moved to Rathmore village. Sub-offices were opened in Knocknagree and Gneeveguilla.

In 1980 a new office was opened in the West End and later renovated and expanded.


At that meeting in Clonkeen, the Shrone Guild of Muintir na Tire was represented by Garda Sgt. John Leen, who was then assigned to Rathmore Garda Station, Dan Cronin and Phil Cremin of Shrone. When the meeting had concluded they spoke with Fr. McDyer, regarding problems in the Shrone area. Fr. Dyer advocated the starting of a credit union in the area, saying that it was the first concrete step which should be taken.

At the next meeting of Shrone Guild, the suggestion made to the three members was examined, and it was decided to seek advice on the matter. Officials from Kanturk Credit Union, which was at this time well established were invited to come to Shrone to advise on the necessary steps to be taken. This they did, and finally on March 23rd 1968, Rathmore Parish Credit Union was founded in Shrone School, with the Registered Office at Shrone, Rathmore.

At that initial meeting, there were 29 members enrolled in the Credit Union. The sum collected in shares amounted to £34.0.0., and the fees collected at half a crown per member was £3.12.6., all in coin. Officers appointed wer Rev. Brian Kelly C.C., Joseph Hickey, Piercy O'Sullivan, James O'Hehir, John Hickey, Donal Hartnett, John Leen, Dan Cronin, Phil Cremin, Tim Counihan and Michael Crowley.

In the early stages, the office was held in Shrone school and committee meetings to discuss matters and keep the books were held in the back kitchens of the members' homes. As Rathmore Credit Union had no permanent office, committee members had to take responsibility for minding the money from the Friday night office until it could be lodged in the bank. Fr. Brain Kelly later recounted a story of the money being kept safely over a weekend in the home of an officer, concealed in a wellington boot!

At the outset, people were reluctant to join what they referred to as the 'Financial Firm', but eventually after much hard work and organisation, the long hours spent began to prove successful. Special mention should be made here to Fr. Brian Kelly and the marathon work he did in promoting the Credit Union. In an interview given in 1993, Joseph Hickey, one of the first joint treasurers and manager of Rathmore Credit Union with Dan Joe Cronin, recounted how Fr. Kelly "was constantly preaching about the Credit Union from the pulpit. He even went into schools and got them into the Credit Union at a very early age". At the end of that year, 1968, the total shares amounted to £476.11.10., and the very first loan for the sum of £40.0.0. had been granted.

The total in savings at the close of 1968 was £1,519.6.0.

By this time the office had been transferred to a little apartment, adjacent to the Community Centre, Rathmore. The then Community Center Committee, owners of the property (known as the flat roof), were more than helpful to the Credit Union Officials. The rent charged was of a most trivial nature. In this little room, the Credit Union transacted its business up to the early 1980's.

Premises Acquired

Then on the market cam a house at West End, Rathmore. It was known as Den Jerry's. Denis J. Kelliher, a well known shoe maker, whose house this was, had passed to his eternal reward some years previously. The house was purchased by the Credit Union from his nephews, the then owners.

It was in a poor state of repair, but the Credit Union officers has some of the dwelling temporarily renovated and the Credit Union was moved in. An extensive renovation job was needed and work commenced on this in September 1983.

The building was extended and modernised. There were two offices (collection and loan), two waiting rooms, kitchenette, strong room (the door of which cost over IR£1000), and toilets. Modern lighting and heating was installed and the entire structure was well finished.

Harry Reid Cuts the tape to officially open the new premises in 1984. Also in picture are (from left) John O'Neill, Con Hurley, Donal Casey and Neily Mahony.

Official Opening of New Premises

The new offices in Rathmore were officially opened on 7th May 1984 with the celebration of Mass on the premises by Rev. P. Doherty P.P., Rathmore, and Rev. Brian Kelly P.P., Glenbeigh - one of the founder members.

Ther readings and prayers of the faithful were read by past and present Board members. Among the attendance was Mr. Harry Reid, an official of the Irish League of Credit Unions, the Chairman and officers of Chapter 23 (then a union of ten Kerry and two Limerick credit unions), officers from Kanturk Credit Union who assisted in the early days, past and current supervisors and directors, 65 in all, of Rathmore Credit Union, and 14 tellers and helpers.

After Mass the company adjourned to Teach Iosagain where refreshments were prepared and beautifully served by the voluntary helpers of the area.

Expansion of Buildings and Computerisation

In the early years of Rathmore Credit Union there were sub-offices in both Knocknagree and Gneeevguilla. In 1986 a sub-office was opened in Ballydesmond, the home place of Nora Herlihy, one of the founders of the Credit Union movement in Ireland.

In 1988 the Board of Directors decided that the main building in Rathmore needed to be expanded due to the increase in the demand for the services of the Credit Union, and to facilitate a move to computerisation.

It was decided that a completely new building would have to be constructed as the existing one, a single story premises, was not suitable for expansion. This building was completed in 1988.

The late Donal Casey, then Chairman of Rathmore Credit Union in front of the new headquarters in the late 1980's.

21st Anniversary Dinner - Seated left to right: Margaret Crowley, Margaret Cremin, Tess Twomey, Seamus Flanagen (President I.L.C.U.), Teresa O'Connor, Pierce O'Sullivan, Mary Counihan. Standing left to right: James Murphy (General Secretary I.L.C.U.), Tom O'Sullivan, Jim O'Hehir, John Leen, Andrew O'Sullivan, Joseph Hickey, John Hickey, Pat McAuliffe, Tim Cronin, Donal Casey, Neily Mahony.

Continuing with the expansion plan, and the desire of the Credit Union to provide the best possible service to its members, enquiries were made into the feasability of computerisation.

Representatives of Rathmore Credit Union made visits to their colleagues in Killarney, Clanmaurice, Mallow and Derry. It was from Derry Credit Union that Rathmore purchased its first software program at a very nominal price.

After many painstaking hours by some dedicated people, the dream was eventually realised in April of 1992, when a full computerised service was in operation in Rathmore.

Office Hours Lengthened

In the early days of Rathmore Credit Union, the Rathmore office was only opened for business on Friday nights. As demand grew for the services, it became obvious that office hours would have to be increased and in 1983 the office was also opened on Friday afternoons.

In 1985 office hours extended to all day Tuesday and by the early 1990's the Credit Union was in a position to open six days a week.

Landmark Dates

March 1968

Rathmore Parish Credit Union founded in Shrone N.S.

Late 1968

Office transferred to Rathmore Village, Sub-offices established in Knocknagree and Gneeveguilla


Rathmore Parish Credit Union registered as a friendly society on January 31


First AGM held in Shrone N.S. on Feburary 28. Fr. Brian Kelly Elected Chairman.


100th Member, £10,000 in Shares


£10,000 in Loans


500th Member, £100,000 in Shares


£100,000 in Loans


Office opens at the West End


Office renovated and officially opened


1,000th Member


Ballydesmond sub-office open, £1,000,000 in Shares


Barraduff sub-office opened, £1,000,000 in Loans


New building completed in West End at the same location


Maria Kelleher appointed as first full time staff member.


New building provided in Knocknagree


£5,000,000 in Shares


First Computer system installed


Gneeveguilla sub-office built


Premises for Nora Herlihy Centre in Ballydesmond Acquired


Octagon computer system installed


Credit Union Cup Winners, £10,000,000 in Shares


New sub-office opens in Ballydesmond, £5,000,000 in Loans, 5,000th Member


John O'Neill appointed Manager


Nora Herlihy Centre opened by John Hume M.E.P.


Name changed to Rathmore & District Credit Union


€20,000,000 in Shares, €10,000,000 in Loans


New Head Office opens at Donal Casey Place, East End.


€30,000,000 in Shares


€40,000,000 in Shares